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The #ThinkThatFar Campaign is a photo campaign which seeks to raise awareness for the often unknown consequences of speaking negative words and taking negative actions towards other people and oneself as well as encourage young people to “Think That Far” when it 

comes to choosing their words. 


Purpose: to raise awareness for the negative effects that negative words and the positive effects that positive words have on people.


Objective: to create a world where people think before they speak and choose their words wisely when addressing others. 


Background :Often times, if you ask a person why they said or did something, you would get the response that they “didn’t think that far.” We will often forego judgment for the ability to get off a quick response or a witty comeback without taking time to reflect on the impact that it can have on the other person. 



Methods :The #ThinkThatFar campaign focuses on people taking pictures and placing a thought bubble somewhere on the image that says “Think that far.” The first phase of the #ThinkThatFar campaign would be a professional photoshoot where people express their understanding that there needs to be a change in the way we conduct ourselves and what we say towards others. After the photoshoot is conducted and the photos are uploaded onto the website and social media pages, then followers can submit their own photos via social media. For those wishing to tackle the issue of negative words, we will have them take a picture of themselves with one hand covering their mouths and another holding the thought bubble, drawn out on a notecard or any other small but legible piece of paper, over their heads, signifying that they are thinking about their words rather than saying them. These pictures could feature an event taking place in the background where someone did not think far enough and said or did something negative. It could also just be a photo of the person’s face saying that they are pledging to be more aware of what they say and do and thinking ahead.

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© 2014 By The Purple Party For A Better America



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