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March Into April

On April 4, 2015 young people took to the streets of Atlanta,GA in hopes of combating what they call “the divided states of America.” Led by The Purple Party, an youth political organization focused on creating a unified platform amongst young people, in hopes of restoring our dysfunctional political system, the walk spanned from Centennial Olympic Park to the Capitol Building. 


This organized walked dubbed “March Into April: A walk for generational unity” comes at the pinnacle of various racial, political, and religious divides within American society. From debates over police protocol to recent rallies regarding what involvement religion has in places of business, this walk separates itself from these, as it centers itself on the belief that we are one community, and will thrive if we operate as a collective. Featuring signs which bore words such as “Elephants and Donkeys, Washington Hated You” , it slammed the current bipartisan political institution, as creating the largest rift between American community as a whole, going as far to say that it could lead to America’s destruction. Words of founding fathers, in option to a two party system, is used as validity for the argument.


Concluding at the Georgia Capitol, the walk ended with the leaders of the organization delivering brief speeches to their audience. Vice President Emerson Dudley left statements addressing the difficulty it will be, in order to implement this ideal. His words, which included the statement that “our flames can not be extinguished”, served as motivation to the young leaders. President Shaquan McDowell, who’s speech concluded the event spoke to the capabilities of making it possible. “Our generation is equip with forms of communication like no other, and we can change, but only when we decide we want to .” was his concluding address










The Purple Party believes that in order to insure the success of the ideals of unity and to make such a positive impact spread, its essential that we act. Therefore, we are also on the lookout for new ways to involve the community and all people far and wide. We understand that its essential that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the future of their nation and world in general, so it's extremely important that these opportunities are provided to the masses. Everyday are working on new ways for these opportunities to be given and finding even better ways to enhance those we've already come up with. Check here for all the updates concerning new events, that you and everyone else can participate in!

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